Friday, July 10, 2020

Happy Independence Day and other pics.

We had a really wonderful Fourth of July.Daniel sold fireworks for The Veterans the whole week before. Always a bit nerve wracking leaving him there without one of us,but there is a group and they've already experienced him having a seizure and know what to do.They say he's their best salesman.
Daniel was there every single day for hours at a time.He did a great job and they always appreciate him.
Enjoying lunch before taking Daniel out to work the fireworks stand.
The last day together before the Fourth.
 We had a blast on the Fourth.We started with movies,badminton and a wonderful barbecue.There Was steak,baked beans,macaroni and cheese,watermelon and potato salad. Then we lit the fire pit and made S'mores.

 Daniel was our guide as far as the fireworks went he put together the entire show that lasted and hour and a half.

It was a great day and we had a wonderful time together.The following day Michael and I attended our first church service together in several months.It was so nice to have fellowship again.Besides the message there was a food truck,games and cupcakes.Michael and another boy won the balloon toss.It was such a fun day.I have so missed going to church.
We are still Having fun swimming in the pool occasionally going out to eat and doing our regular park visits as much as we can and finally getting some appointments in with doctors and dentists though Ariel still hasn't been able to get a nerve block possibly August.And of course dealing with the ugly seizure monster.Ariel had a Grand Mal in the parking lot of the fireworks stand Daniel was working at and she's had more at home as well.Daniel's little dog Peanut has become a good little seizure monitor.When he won't leave Ariel's side we know ones coming.We are hoping more things start opening up here soon,but as the motto of our blog we are making the most of life even in the middle of a pandemic.
                         Masks and seizures don't mix.

We hope you all had a wonderful Independence Day.