Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Easter and happenings around the homestead.

Hello friends,I hope you all had a very blessed Easter.
April has once again been a very busy month.Dealing with the likes of CRPS is not a fun thing.It continually rears it's ugly head in new and horrible ways.Dealing with the lesions seem to be the biggest issue at present and pain of course and the fact that Ariel has continued to contract one bug after another.So after her second set of nerve blocks we had to wait three very long weeks for the third set.After the second set she was having some really good days.We went to the beach and enjoyed walking along the shore.Ariel loves to look for crabs and jellies.We went out for dinner one night as a family.We bought a fairy garden and she worked on that as well as other crafts.We even put up our Easter decorations.

                  Mexican food one of our favs.

                 Ariel's Fairy Garden and bunny house.
As time went by her flares were getting worse and worse with more and more lesions forming.Poor girl was in so much pain and had also gotten some respiratory bug,so there was real concern she couldn't get the blocks,but finally did end up getting them.During the waiting period we saw her Physical and Rehabilitation specialists.He had not seen her lesions in person and was shocked by how awful they looked.

Doing the pain blocks is no small thing.Due to Ariel's seizures she has to be pretty much sedated to get them done.Also finding a good vein for I.V.'s is a challenge as well.The last couple of times they got it in pretty quick one or two tries.
Her eye always droops a little after procedure and her voice gets hoarse.The nurse gave her this My
Little Pony cap for future procedures.We were so glad to get this done.She had been in so much pain.So finally on the mend and then we got some kind of stomach bug right before Easter.But thankfully we felt a bit better by Sunday not enough to attend church services.We didn't want to get anyone sick.So Saturday Ariel colored eggs and did an egg hunt and on Sunday we watched a sermon on t.v. and had a large breakfast and and later that evening after dinner watched Jesus of Nazareth.

                                 Coloring eggs.
                                   Hunting eggs.

      Easter dinner.Ham,scalloped potatoes,green bean casserole,crescent rolls,deviled eggs and sparkling cider.
 Pineapple upside down cake and coconut cream pie for dessert.
It was a very nice Easter as we reflected on the sacrifice that Jesus ultimately paid for our sins.Tuesday Ariel had her fifth nerve block done.We had to be in Bellevue at 7 am which is almost two hours away from where we live.So we had to be up at 4:30 and on the road by 5.We got there fine ,but it unfortunately took them over an hour to get an i.v. in.The doctor had to do it.Poor girl is black and blue.It was done we came home and then off to P.T.She did great in P.T.
Please continue to pray for Ariel.This has certainly been a trial for her and all the prayers and helpful advice have been most welcome.
God bless,Linn

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