Monday, May 4, 2020

May update

Hello friends,Well the months are going by. In some ways it seems very fast in others it's just painfully dragging along. I can't believe we are already into May.
 2020 has not been a kind year that's for sure.Every year when a new year hits I'm hopefully optimistic that it'll be a little bit kinder to my kiddo's and every year that doesn't seem to be the case. This year has been horrific to everyone to some so much worse than others. Ariel's had a very rough time with her seizures lately and if it isn't them it's the CRPS.As I've said she's not able to get any treatment at this time and it's just not right.

Some of this lock down stuff is so insane you just wonder who actually comes up with this idiotic stuff? For example I can go on a Seattle public bus in a county that has 6449 cases,but I can't go on a boat by myself in a lake of my county that has 130 cases out of 270,000 people that's just dumb.People are getting arrested and threatened with jail time and fines for going outside or to parks and things,but in our state by the narrow margin of one they almost voted the let The Green River serial killer out of prison for his health? What about the safety of law abiding citizens?

How are pot shops,liquor stores and all sorts of other things essential,but my daughters treatment isn't? Why is it okay for me to stand in line with 50 people at Costco,but going to the park is not? It's just all too frustrating and totally nonsensical.Just remember once freedom is lost it isn't gained so re-easily.I'm not saying don't take precautions,but when things totally don't make sense it makes you question is this really about protection or just a power grab.Anyway I'll step off my soap box now.

Despite all this craziness we did have a very nice Easter Sunday.The day before Ariel and I decorated cookies.She didn't want to color eggs this year. Sunday morning we watched church online and then listened to some messages on Youtube. After that we went outside for an egg hunt for Ariel.It was an absolutely beautiful day.We had cinnamon rolls,bacon and juice for breakfast and then later in the evening we had our ham dinner with baked potatoes,green beans, rolls, deviled eggs sparkling cider & pineapple upside down cake for dessert.The guys and I even played a few rounds of badminton.

 Baskets for all.
We finished the evening watching Ben-Hur.It was a really nice day and we all enjoyed it remembering what Jesus did for us and the importance of his sacrifice.

Daily it's been a lot of the same cooking,cleaning,planning,sometimes shopping.Our refrigerator went on the fritz the day after Easter that was a mess.We tried what we could to fix it and nothing worked.We called a repair company and a very honest repairman came to our house the next day and fixed it.Now we know of an honest company that if any of our other appliances break we can call them.We've also planted some seeds and are trying our hand at gardening.Things are sprouting nicely and my hubby just built me a raised bed.My oldest needs to go with me to Costco to get some more dirt.We've also had a lot of wildlife coming around.They are always fun to watch.
Other than that it's mainly been dealing with seizures for Ariel and Daniel.She's had a lot of bad days between seizures, new lesions and pain.Daniel's had a lot of seizures as well.That's why I'm so frustrated she can't get a nerve block that helps her so much.
Daniel just had a Generalized Tonic Clonic seizure in the middle of Target this Friday.That was a whole big thing with paramedics and the fire department.They were all very nice and his assessment showed he didn't need to go to the hospital thank goodness.Thankfully I saw him.I just happened to be walking by and saw someone on the floor and realized that was my son.They could have taken him and I wouldn't have been the wiser.I told him he needs to wear a med alert bracelet in case that ever happens again.
I did manage to take Ariel on a good day to Walmart to look for birthday items.She was bumming thinking it wasn't going to be very good,but I assured her we would make her birthday special.Last year we did the game farm and she loved it so much.We intended on doing it again this year,but doubt it will be open.So she picked a pinata and My little pony for her theme.They are opening parks tomorrow hooray!!!! If nothing else we can always go fly kites at the park that would be great.I think we all just need a change of scenery.I just remember last year at this time and all the parks and things we went to.We all really miss it.We would like to see our church re-open.Online is just not the same.
We're also taking time in the midst of this to pretty up the yard.We've put up hanging baskets and have planted flowers and veggies.
I even bought a pool.I figure if We're going to have to spend a lot of time at home I want it to be nice.
In the midst of all this craziness we know that Jesus has a plan and are trusting in him.I pray that you all are doing well and have peace in the midst of this turmoil.
God bless,Linn

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