Friday, January 11, 2013

Seizures ruin everything.

Hello friends,so you saw how Ariel and I had this wonderful little tea party.We had a fun time in the kitchen together,talking,baking,frosting and several other things to make it special for her.We had a very nice afternoon together.Unfortunately by evening we went from the cute picture above to this.

It can be so frustrating.You go along having some decent days and then boom out of no where 
the ugly seizure monster rears his ugly head and you go from having a good time to being laid up with injuries,breathing issues and a ton of other things.
 Daniel had also been doing so good and then had a massive seizure a bit over a week ago.
For a long time after he didn't even know his phone number.I am so thankful for the good days and I know we have been blessed with several of them.It's just always a let down when the hard times start up again.

Thank you for praying and supporting the kids.This is the kids prayer page where I also do updates.Please visit and hit like.!/PrayForDanielMichaelAriel

 Thank you for your love and support.


  1. Hi Linn, Hi Ariel and Daniel,

    Celebrating each good moment you have. Lifting you up through the agonizing ones!

    Ms Lu

  2. I agree with Ms Lu! You guys rock. I'm so happy for your good times. Praying for Ariel to get over the breathing problems and migraines.
